Friday, 1 April 2011

Golden Eye 007

Golden Eye 007... where should we start from. The fact that this game is a remake from the infamous offline multiplayer on the Nintendo Gamecube making it a highly anticipated game of the year 2010. Golden Eye 007 has a fine mix of FPS and stealth game in one. The game has a wide variety of vehicles and boss fight, and there is also a new addition of 'par time' where it will push you to the edge just to make it on time. However, players should know that the main buying point of this game isn't the single player, but the online and/or offline multiplayer. There are also variety of control method that can be used in the game (Nunchuk, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro, and Gamecube controller) so friends can play the game by just bringing their preferred control scheme. There is no problem on playing offline multiplayer, but once players go online multiplayer, the lack of support for Wii Speak will take its toll. What is the fun of playing silently in the living room? Even though, Golden Eye 007 is a must have game of 2010. One of the best game for Nintendo Wii.

Verdict: 9.5/10

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